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Please register your details below to apply for wholesale access. 
If you are approved, you will be emailed with a link to activate your web account.

Please be thorough and ensure you provide adequate information for us to assess your application efficiently. 
Due to the volume of requests, if we feel that you do not meet our requirements, we are unable to contact you to ask you for further business information. 

All new accounts will be on a pre-paid basis.

Have you read our Frequently Asked Questions?

We get multiple requests daily by new businesses, so please note that we do NOT sell 'gold filled' findings, wire, etc and do not manufacture '14K gold filled' jewellery. 
If these are the sort of products you're looking for, please read through our FAQ's as linked above to see if we are able to assist with what you're after.

Tick as many as apply to you.

Thank You For Registering

 If your application is approved, you will receive an email with a link to your web account within 1-2 business days. All approved accounts are on a pre-paid basis.